Microsurgery and Suturing Skills - Mr Abu-Bakra
This hands-on workshop offers attendees the opportunity to learn and practice essential wound closure techniques under expert guidance. Delegates will develop their precision and dexterity by performing microsurgical procedures on a grape using surgical Loupes glasses while mimicking the delicate nature of ophthalmic surgery. This interactive session is designed to build confidence and surgical proficiency in a supportive learning environment for beginners and those looking to enhance their technique.
VRiMS - Mr Clement Yong (VriMS)
Experience cutting-edge virtual reality (VR) simulation to learn and perform two essential ophthalmic procedures: lateral canthotomy and cantholysis and the swinging eyelid flap. This hands-on session offers a realistic, immersive training experience, enhancing surgical confidence and precision in a risk-free environment.
Ophthalmology ST1 Application and Portfolio - Dr Haider Manzar
This workshop offers invaluable insights into the ST1 application process, helping delegates to strategically maximise portfolio points and boost their chances of securing a place in ophthalmology training. Led by top trainees from prestigious deaneries, participants will receive expert guidance on optimising their application and navigating the competitive selection process.
The AI Dr - Mr Sanchit Aapan (The AI Dr)
The AI Dr is a company that focuses on training doctors in AI and how it can be applied to clinical settings. They provide hands-on experience through workshops, hackathons and teaching. During the conference, delegates will have the opportunity to address an ophthalmic challenge in a “Human vs AI” style hackathon.