Places are currently available
date_range Date | 14th - 15th September 2017 |
location_city Venue | Education Centre (Dept 17), The Christie, Manchester, M20 4BX |
Course Fee | £210 (includes conference dinner) £190 (General admission). |
event_seat No of Places Available | 20 |
Dress code | Professional/Semi-formal. |
This international conference will bring together world experts to discuss recent progress in the use of microbeams to investigate the radiation biology underpinning particle therapy and understand the cellular response to radiation .
- Radiation biology of particle therapy .
- Cellular and tissue effects.
- Particle therapy research facilities including microbeam facility design & X-ray and Laser microbeams .
- Clinical translation from microprobe investigation
- Single cell microbeam (particle) facilities/design and developments .
- Laser & X-ray microbeam facilities.
- Particle therapy research beamlines.
- Irradiation & imaging techniques.
- Cellular and tissue effects.
- Cellular response: communication and dynamics .
- Diagnostics and analysis techniques.
- Clinical translation for particle therapy developments .
Target Audience:
Academic researchers, medical physicists and clinicians.
Learning Outcomes:
- To increase knowledge about the latest research developments and techniques in the field of single cell irradiation and measurement of the single cell response to radiation .
- To raise awareness and highlight the clinical relevance of microprobe techniques for understanding fundamental radiobiological parameters for particle therapy.
Pay by Bank Transfer
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Please use the details furnished below to pay by bank transfer
Account Name | Doctors Academy |
Sort code | 20-18-17 |
Account Number | 50671673 |
Name of Bank | Barclays Bank, 121 Queen Street, Cardiff CF10 1SG, United Kingdom |
If you are making a payment to our account from outside the UK, your bank will ask for our IBAN and Swift Code | IBAN: GB49 BARC 2018 1750 6716 73 SWIFT CODE: BARCGB22 |