
The KCL Cardiovascular Society Undergraduate Cardiovascular Conference 2018

13th January 2018
Harris Lecture Theatre, Hodgkin Building, King's College London Guy's Campus, London SE1 1UL.

Doctors Academy Endorsed

200 Places Available


KCL Cardiovascular Society's first Undergraduate Cardiovascular Conference aims to explore various aspects of cardiovascular medicine.

The Conference will provide delegates with the opportunity to gain further insight into the field of cardiovascular medicine, covering aspects outside of what is taught in the MBBS curriculum. In addition, it will offer the chance to network with and meet esteemed Consultants and Doctors in the field.

The day will comprise of a series of keynote lectures on a range of disciplines, including Cardiothoracic Surgery, Paediatric Cardiology, Interventional Radiology and Vascular Surgery. Delegates will also attend a host of interactive workshops during the day, consisting of a mix of wet and dry laboratory sessions.

In addition, there will be a poster presentation competition, providing delegates with the opportunity to showcase their research in the field of cardiology. Abstracts can be submitted via the following link: All submissions will be competing for a poster presentation and the best three abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation.

Aims and Objectives

  • Promote the research in Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiovascular Medicine that is being conducted at King's College London and highlight its contribution to the field
  • Unravel the various areas to which cardiovascular science is relevant
  • Develop an insight into the various non-surgical and surgical pathways for the treatment of cardiovascular conditions
  • Build upon the prior success of the society by expanding the range of topics approached in workshops and seminars
  • Enhance students' learning experience by providing broad knowledge beyond the academic curriculum
  • Stimulate interest in Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiovascular Medicine amongst attendees from across a range of study fields
  • Expose delegates to cutting-edge research and opportunities for developing a career in Cardiovascular Surgery or Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Provide a platform for delegates to share scientific work and refine their presentation skills
  • Offer delegates the opportunity to receive feedback on their work from top researchers in the field
  • Facilitate networking between students and medical professionals from across the country


Professor Marjan Jahangiri
Professor of Cardiac Surgery

Professor Victor Tsang
Professor of Paediatric Cardiac Surgery

Mr. Donald Whitaker
Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon

Dr. Jubin Joseph
President of the British Undergraduate Cardiovascular Association (BUCA)

Organising Committee

Mr. Loay Rahman

Ms. Ziyan Kassam

Ms. Akshaya Rajangam

Ms. Melika Akhbari

Ms. Priyanka Sethupathi

Ms. Catherine McGurk

Course fee

£ 20

for society members

£ 25

for non-society members

Target Audience

Sixth Form Students, Pre-Clinical Medical Students, and Clinical Medical Students.


Date 13th January 2018
Venue Harris Lecture Theatre, Hodgkin Building, King's College London Guy's Campus, London SE1 1UL.
No of places 200
Closing Date Registration will close when all places are taken up and we are therefore unable to provide a precise closing date.
Dress Code Professional/Semi-formal