We have hence deactivated the online registration for this course. If you wish to have the last place, please contact us at courses@doctorsacademy.org.uk.
Reporting Information
date_range Date | 25th March 2017 |
location_city Venue | RILD Building, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Barrack Road, Exeter, EX2 5DW |
Conference Fee | £25.00 (Includes £10 refundable deposit which will be returned on attendance ). |
Closing Date | 15th March 2017 |
event_seat No of Places Available | 52 |
Dress code | Professional/Semi-formal. |
Following the success of the 2015 event the next South West Orthopaedic Conference will take place on 25th March 2017.
This one day event will offer inspirational career development lectures, exciting practical workshops, and the opportunity to participate in a poster competition.
Organised by a dedicated group of medical students, orthopaedic trainees and consultants, the conference has been specifically tailored to meet the learning needs of medical students and foundation doctors.
The lectures will introduce orthopaedic surgery as a career, opportunities available in orthopaedic surgery, and most importantly, how to develop a CV and portfolio to maximise the possibility of gaining a national training number. The practical workshops will cover total hip arthroplasty, suturing skills, plaster casting and surgical fracture fixation. Please note that workshop and lecture titles are subject to change..
Please visit http://www.exeterorthoconference.co.uk/ play for details of abstract submission.

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Pay by Bank Transfer
We bank with
Please use the details furnished below to pay by bank transfer
Account Name | Doctors Academy |
Sort code | 20-18-17 |
Account Number | 50671673 |
Name of Bank | Barclays Bank, 121 Queen Street, Cardiff CF10 1SG, United Kingdom |
If you are making a payment to our account from outside the UK, your bank will ask for our IBAN and Swift Code | IBAN: GB49 BARC 2018 1750 6716 73 SWIFT CODE: BARCGB22 |