Preparation test
This preparation test has 180 questions in Paper 1 and 120 questions in Paper 2 that will simulate the MRCS A exam of duration, standard of questions and appropriate level of difficulty. It is strongly recommended that you sit both the papers on the same day so that you can appropriate the concentration and endurance required to sit the test.
The Intercollegiate MRCS Part A is a five-hour MCQ exam (single best answers) consisting of two papers taken on the same day. The paper in the morning (Applied Basic Science) is of three hours duration and the paper in the afternoon (Principles of Surgery in General) is of two hours duration. There are 300 questions in total – 180 questions in the Applied Basic Science component and 120 questions in the Principle of Surgery in General component). Each question should be answered in a minute.
A general breakdown of the questions in Paper 1 (Applied Basic Science) is as follows: 75 Anatomy; 45 Physiology (30 system-specific and 15 general); 37 Pathology (20 system-specific and 17 general); 8 Pharmacology; 7 Microbiology; 5 Imaging; 3 DI and Audit. Paper 2 (Principles of Surgery in General) is broken down into: 45 – Common congenital and acquired surgical conditions; 35 – Perioperative management; 30 – Assessment and management of patients with trauma (including the multiply injured patient); 7 – Surgical care of children; 5 – Medico-legal aspects of surgical practice.
Currently, the examination is delivered as an online assessment. To achieve a pass, one will be required to demonstrate a minimum level of competence in each of the two papers in addition to achieving or exceeding the pass mark set for the combined total mark for Part A. The pass mark is quite variable depending on the cohort sitting each exam and it can range from about 69% to 78%.
This preparation test has 180 questions in Paper 1 and 120 questions in Paper 2 that will simulate the MRCS A exam in terms of duration, standard of questions and appropriate level of difficulty. It is strongly recommended that you sit both the Papers on the same day so that you can appreciate the concentration and endurance required to sit the test.