Date : 4th August 2016

Venue  : University Place, University of Manchester

Brief Description:

This year Doctors Academy International Medical Summer School will feature a new event entitled, 'The Disaster Day.' This will be a whole day event featuring four global health and humanitarian workshops alongside a model World Health Organisation assembly.

Despite its increasing pertinence, global health education is neglected by mainstream medical school curricula, leaving medical students to seek experience through elective placements and extracurricular activities. Disaster Day will give delegates access to core knowledge underpinning global health practice and humanitarian response in areas as diverse as trauma, infectious disease, and maternal global health. Delegates will gain insight into challenges faced by practitioners and opportunities to network with global health professionals. Disaster Day will complement delegates medical studies in their home countries by providing them with the cultural awareness and clinical knowledge to treat the world's increasingly multicultural populations.

The WHO model assembly offers a novel opportunity for delegates to learn how the international response to a crisis unfolds. A mystery humanitarian crisis will be announced on the day itself and delegates will be guided as they work together to manage the emergency healthcare response. Delegates will benefit from discussing issues pertinent to global health and a rare opportunity to develop skills in international health diplomacy. It will be particularly beneficial to those delegates seeking to develop their portfolio for a career in global health, public health, and health government at international or national levels.

This day is run in conjunction with the Manchester Model United Nations society. Details regarding this society can be found in this page.

Details regarding the day can be found in this page.

Further information regarding the structure of the day will be available by 15th June 2016. Please note that only attendees of the 8th International Medical Summer School (1st - 5th August 2016) are eligible to attend the event.

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