Dear Colleague,
We have been made aware that a spam email has been sent from one of our email addresses today (21st August 2024). If you have received this email, we kindly ask that you ignore and delete it. The mail has got no relation with Doctors Academy services.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Yours sincerely,
IT and Admin Team
Doctors Academy Group

Disclaimer and Privacy Policy


Doctors Academy is not responsible for the content of external internet sites. Doctors Academy disclaims any responsibility for the authorship and content of all other items which appear elsewhere on the Internet and which purport to originate from Doctors Academy, and for any links which are not reciprocated on this site.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy outlines how Doctors Academy ("we", "us" or "our") uses and protects any information that provide us when you use our website.

Doctors Academy is committed to ensuring that your personal data is protected and your privacy is respected at all time. If we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified, it will be used only in accordance with this privacy statement.

Our Privacy Promise

When you interact with our site, software, and/or services, we may collect information that could be used to identify you, such as your name or email address. This is known as "personal data". Doctors Academy will not process your personal data without your consent. When we do process your personal data, we ensure full compliance with the internationally recognised standards of privacy protection. We thus implement strict standards of security and confidentiality.

If you choose to use PayPal® to finalize and pay for a Course/Event/Book/Article/Post, you will provide your credit card number directly to PayPal®. The privacy policy of PayPal® will apply to the information you provide on the PayPal® website.

How Does Doctors Academy Use Your Information?

Some of the services that we offer do not require you to register, and you can access certain areas of our site without providing your personal data. In order to access other services that we provide, you are required to register. Some of the fields will be mandatory and you will need to offer certain personal information in order for us to process your registration and give you access to the desired services.

Doctors Academy processes your personal data for specific and limited purposes about which we notify you when we request your information. We may collect and use your personal data to provide you with information regarding our services, to inform you of educational events or educational material which we think might be of interest to you, or to communicate with you for other purposes such as offering teaching opportunities. Any information you send to Doctors Academy is used only to answer your query or concern and is otherwise kept private. The personal data that you provide to Doctors Academy is kept private, and we maintain your data only for as long as is required and in accordance with any applicable legal or ethical reporting or documentation retention requirements. We may contact you via email or telephone.

Does Doctors Academy Disclose My Information?

Doctors Academy will not sell, share, or distribute your personal data to third parties outside of the pertinent administrative and organisational staff within Doctors Academy. Doctors Academy does not allow any third-party advertisement and your information is never used for advertising external products.

Does Doctors Academy Ever Make My Personal Data Public?

No, Doctors Academy does not make any of your personal data public.

How Does Doctors Academy Use Cookies?

A "cookie" is a small file of information that is stored on your device and used by web browsers to deliver personalised content, as well as remember login details and account settings. Doctors Academy uses cookies and other similar technologies, including tracking pixels and web beacons, in order to collect usage and analytic data. For further information on how Doctors Academy uses cookies, kindly refer to our Cookie Policy. Our products currently do not respond to Do Not Track requests.

We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system. Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. Cookies do not damage your computer. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, this will enable you to decide if you want to accept it or not. Rejecting a cookie may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

Doctors Academy does not spam its users. Spamming involves sending a large number of unwelcomed emails, which tend to be of a commercial nature, on a regular basis to individuals who do not wish to receive such communications. In contrast, Doctors Academy reserves the right to inform you via email of services or other information that it believes to be of importance and relevant to you and your educational needs. You may choose to opt out of this service.

How Do Third-Party Apps and Plugins Function?

Some applications and services that belong to the third parties with whom we work may request your permission to access your personal data. These applications will ask for your consent in order to obtain such information. We would suggest that you consider your permissions carefully. Some third parties' content or plugins that are embedded on our site and/or software, such as Facebook "like" buttons, may allow their operators to learn that you have visited our site. They may combine this knowledge with other data they have collected about your visits to other websites or online services, and this could identify you. The data collected by third parties through these applications and plugins is subject to the policies held by each party. We would encourage you to familiarise yourself with those policies in order to understand how other companies use your data.

Where Is My Information Stored?

The information that you provide to Doctors Academy will be transferred to, processed, and stored in the United Kingdom. When you use our software on your computing device, any user content that you save will be stored on that device and sychronised with our servers. In posting or transferring any information to or through our site, software, and/or services, you agree to such information, including your personal data and user content, being hosted and accessed in the United Kingdom.

How Secure Is My Information?

Doctors Academy is committed to securing your information and takes appropriate precautions to protect it. It must be noted that internet data transmissions are not guaranteed to be 100% secure. Consequently, we are unable to ensure the security of the information you transmit to us, including your personal data and user content. You should be aware that you provide your information at your own risk. We use industry-standard encryption to protect your data in transit. This is commonly referred to as Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Once we receive your data, we protect it on our servers using a combination of technical, physical, and logical security safeguards. We recommend that you take appropriate measures in order to secure all computing devices that you use in connection with our site, software, and services. If Doctors Academy becomes aware of a breach to its security system, we may attempt to notify you and offer information on appropriate steps, if available, via the email address that you have provided to us or by posting a notice on our website. Depending on your place of residence, you may have a legal right to receive such information in writing..

How Can I Delete My Personal Data From Doctors Academy?

You can remove your personal data from Doctors Academy at any time after a course has been completed or in the event that you choose to cancel your place at a course. You can also remove your personal data by deleting your account with us. In order to request that your personal data is removed, kindly email us at

For How Long Does Doctors Academy Retain My Personal Data?

You can remove your personal data from Doctors Academy, as indicated above. Unless requested otherwise, we will retain your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary for legitimate reasons, including fraud detection and prevention, and to comply with our legal obligations, including tax, legal reporting, and auditing obligations.

What Happens To The Feedback I Provide?

We welcome your suggestions, ideas, comments, and other feedback regarding the Services. By submitting feedback, you grant us the right to use the feedback without any restriction or any compensation to you. By accepting your feedback, Doctors Academy does not waive any rights to use similar or related feedback previously known to Doctors Academy and will use your feedback for improvement of the services we offer.